So I've been doing some deep thinking recently about relationships at BYU and specifically, about how quick people seem to get married around here. I’ve even come up with a theory that I’d like to share with you about your odds of getting married. My theory is this; there is a statistical half-life of two months for the dating-to-marriage conversion. What I mean is, after two months of dating, any given couple has a 50% chance of getting married at some point. Not that they will get married at two months necessarily but that their odds of tying the knot at some point are 50%. So two months later, at the 4 month mark (or about one semester) there is a 75% chance of that couple getting married. Then after 6 months of dating the odds are 87.5% and anything after that is gravy. Now, I’m only talking about relationships at BYU, other schools and time before or after graduating BYU are not a factor in this theory of mine. I’d also like to confirm it with research so that my theory can become law; I’ve always wanted my own law. I think I’ll call it, “Walke’s law of relationships” that sounds pretty scientific and legit right? Anyway, your input would be helpful on this front. If you want to participate let me know, either below in the comments, in a private message on my facebook page, or even on my wall if that’s what floats your boat. Useful information would include:
1) number of relationships you have had at BYU
2) how long each lasted
3) how it ended (marriage, breakup, other[?])
4) year in school (or year in school you got married)
5) average wind speed velocity of an un-laden swallow (African)