As you may remember from my last update on life, I had a whole lot going on school-wise during the last couple weeks. Well, those days have come to an end, for a few days anyway. And not really over exactly, just slowed down. The good news is I got A's on 3 of the 4 tests I had. The bad news, that fourth test was a real killer. But oh well, what's done is done. I guess.
Right now is actually 1 am and I'm not even procrastinating any homework by writing this blog so I'm going to save most of what I was planning on writing for another day. Perhaps I will even break this tradition I seem to have going on of only writing once a month and do an update in a couple days, who knows? But I want to share this little exchange my sister and I had on facebook the other day. Some of you have probably seen it, but I kind of wanted to preserve it so I decided to post it here. In my family we sometimes like to play this game where you come up with a 3 step plan but leave out the second step that would explain how to achieve your goal. It seems dumb I know but just read on, you'll understand.
So there it is. As it turns out, that was some kind of annoying to format all that facebook stuff, you would think it would just be a simple copy paste but no such luck. Sometimes I feel like my life is a 3 step plan (hence the name of this blog post), I know where I am, and I pretty much know where I want to be, but I have no idea what step 2 is. It's quite possibly the worlds greatest joke. But hey, maybe Kayla and I are on to something here, maybe we do just need to take a crazy leap into the unknown and see what happens. Anybody up for a trip to the Canadian Rockies to pan for gold?
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