Didn't I tell you I would post something new in less than a month this time? And look at that, I'm making good on that statement. I guess I've just been on a writing kick recently, it seems to be my new favorite way to avoid doing homework or something. Right now I am sitting on a secret couch that I found on the first floor of the library. For some reason, they have a couch hidden back here behind the book shelves. To be more specific, its a love seat, and my theory is that its here for the express purpose of making out. It's the only reasonable explanation for why it would be here. Is it now a goal of mine to one day do just that in this very spot? Maybe. For now though, its a great place to hang out and write stuff while I try not to think too hard about that accounting test I have to take some time between right now and monday. Or the pl sc 170 final draft of my paper that I have due friday.
In case you are wondering when I plan on explaining the title of this post, good news, its story time. I had a hard time deciding on what to title this post but I'm pretty happy with it, I think it does a good job of capturing the central theme of the story. I just want to start by saying, I am pretty proud of this story and I hope I did a good job of capturing the awkwardness that I felt throughout this experience but just know, it was classic. Ok, here it is, in all its awkward glory. So there is this one TA in one of my classes that I think is pretty attractive, and the other day I had the chance to spend a good 45ish minutes talking to her. That same day, Ammon texts me saying that we should do a double date to go see the leaves and such. I thought to myself, "huh, I should ask cute TA girl, I did enjoy talking to her after all." Now some of you are probably already thinking, "wow, thats a bad idea, she's your TA, if you screw up she might fail you". To that I say, yes. You are so right. It is a really terrible idea to ask out your TA. I didn't even know if she was single or not, she wasn't wearing a ring so I was fairly sure she wasn't married but that was all I had to go on. Now I'm sure this come as no surprise to anyone but, I went ahead and asked her anyway.
By chance I had an opportunity later that evening to make good on my bad idea . It even started out problematic because we were walking up some stairs and of course I tripped, and not just the, "whoa, I kind of lost my footing" kind of trip. We are talking about a full out, "both feet are no longer under me, almost cracked my head open and died" kind of trip. Luckily I managed to catch myself so I was doing some sort of inclined push up type thing instead of actually hitting my head, but it wasn't exactly a shining moment for me. So we managed to get all the way up the stairs and at this point, even I was starting to second guess the wisdom of asking TA girl on a date. I mean, I did just make a pretty big fool of myself 20 seconds ago, it's unlikely that she forgot already. However, in a move that would have made my econ teacher hang his head in shame, I ignored the sunk costs and decided that I had come to far to just give up and limp home. No sir, I had come to ask this girl on a date and by golly, I was going to do it!
As it turned out, the actual asking went a lot better than I expected. I mean sure, I didn't sound as smooth as I would have liked but that was a given, whenever I get nervous I tend to stumble over my words and rest assured, I did a good amount of word stumbling both times I talked to her that day. But I did manage to get out the when, where, and what and I even used the word "date" because apparently girls hate it when you don't say that. So then she said the only thing that a girl can say after such a stunning delivery from a charming young man such as myself. She said, "I'm so sorry but TA's aren't allowed to date students, otherwise I would go with you. Its against *acronym I've never heard of* regulations because I have control of your grades". Now that's not an exact quote but its pretty close. So then I said something about how it was fine and see you in class, blah blah blah. So there it is, I hope you enjoyed it, I know I did. Personally, I thought the whole thing was just hilarious. It was the perfect storm of failed efforts to ask a girl out and I couldn't help but appreciate it.
Wow. Very well-written. You captured the falling down the stairs moment so well that it gave me quite a good laugh. But you know, when I was a TA, I never had any of my students ask me out. I was probably oblivious to the "random acronym" rule about not dating TAs anyway.